Chapter 12, verses 1-2
“And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman was clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars. She was screaming from the pain and agony of giving birth.
This refers to the birth of Jesus Christ, the long-awaited savior of the Jewish people, who were made up of 12 tribes who had long suffered from foreign domination.
If you wear the sun (as a crown) on your head, it means that it is just a cult of worshiping the sun god, but since it is "clothed", it means that the sun is subordinate to the "crown of 12 stars - the 12 Jewish clans". It means that you are in a certain position.
Furthermore, since it means "the moon under one's feet," it means to trample under one's feet the faith in the "moon goddess Ishtar (Semiramis) and her son Tammuz," which was widespread throughout the world including the Middle East. .

Ishtar, also known as Semiramis, the Babylonian moon goddess

Ishtar with red rubies in her eyes and two horns (Louvre Museum)
The reason why Semiramis, who was raised by pigeons, is the goddess of the moon is because she herself said, ``On the first full moon after the vernal equinox, I descended from the moon to earth in a large lunar egg.'' is.
Over time, Semiramis became widely known as being confused with Ishtar, and Ishtar was pronounced Easter. The moon egg became an Easter egg, and has been passed down to modern (false) Christianity as Easter.

colorfully decorated chicken eggs

easter eggs made of chocolate
Furthermore, 40 of the 195 countries in the world are currently Islamic countries, and 18 of those 40 countries, about half, have a moon or star on their national flag. The crescent and star are symbols of Islam, with the crescent representing progress and the star representing knowledge.
The sun illuminates the moon, and being illuminated by the sun makes the moon shine brilliantly at night, indicating that the Jewish people are the master and the Arab people are the subordinates.
In other words, the more the glory of Jesus shines brightly in heaven, the greater the fame of Prophet Muhammad.

``We believe in God (Allah) and in what was sent down to us, and we believe in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Ishaq, Ya'aqob and the tribes; We believe in what we received from our Lord (Christ) and (other) prophets.
We do not make any discrimination between them (prophets). We simply submit and take refuge in Him. ” (“Quran (Al-Quran)” Chapter 2 (Heifer), verse 136)
``Think again when the angels said, ``Mary, God truly brings good news to you in His own words.
The son of Maryam, whose name is Masih Isa (Messiah Jesus), will have great honor in this world and the next, and will be one of God's close associates. ” (Al-Quran, Chapter 3 (Imran Chapter), verse 15)
Verse 3
“And another sign appeared in heaven, and behold, a great dragon red as fire; it had seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven crowns. .”
"Seven Heads" refers to the seven hills of Rome.

``It had seven crowns on its head.'' In the Old Testament, the Book of Daniel says, ``Then the fourth beast, which I saw in a vision of the night, was terrible, terrible, and very strong. It had great iron teeth, and it devoured and crushed it, and trampled the remains with its feet. It had ten horns, unlike all the beasts that had gone before it.
One small horn came out, and because of this small horn, three of the previous horns fell off from their roots.
Behold, in this little horn there were eyes like the eyes of men, and a mouth that spoke great things. ” (Daniel 7:7-8), this refers to the destruction of the Ostrogos, Vandals, and Heruli as a result of the Lombards moving to Italy.
From Lombard, the current Vatican, or "one small corner," was born.
``He had a mouth that spoke great things (Daniel 7:8),'' which I explained earlier in this blog's ``Commentary on Revelation Chapter 13, Part 2''. 13:6.
For example, he said, ``I am the Vicar of Christ,'' ``the supreme head of the Church and the world,'' and ``all who are in heaven, on earth, and in hell are subjects of the Pope'' (Innocent III, 1198). refers to a statement.
Verse 4
“The tail of the dragon swept up a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.Then the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth to her child, and when she had given birth, he would eat her child. ”
``He swept up a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.'In the same verse 7, it says, ``...the dragon also has his angels...'' The angels who follow the devil have reached one-third of the heavens, and together with the angels, ``the dragon brings forth children.'' "I will stand in front of a woman who is about to give birth, and when she gives birth, I will eat her child." This refers to an attempt to kill a woman.
The following is a quote from the Gospel of Matthew.
“When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, behold, the wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and said, ``He who is born king of the Jews; Where are you? We saw the star in the east, and we came to worship him.'So Herod secretly called the wise men and asked them in detail about the time when the star appeared, and he sent them to Bethlehem and said, ``Go and find out more about the little child, and if you find him, give him to me.'' Please let me know. I'll go to worship too.''
They listened to the king and went out, and behold, the star that they had seen in the east went ahead of them to the place where the little child was and rested above him. When they saw the star, they were filled with great joy.
And he went into the house, and seeing the little child by his mother Mary, fell down and worshiped him; and he opened the treasure chest, and offered gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Then he was warned in a dream not to return to Herod, so he returned to his own country by another route.
After they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, ``Arise, take the little child and his mother, and flee to Egypt. And stay there until I let you know. Herod is going to seek out the little child and kill him.'
So Joseph arose and took his little child and his mother by night and went to Egypt, where they remained until Herod died. This is to fulfill what the Lord said through the prophet, ``I have called my son out of Egypt.''
Now when Herod learned that he had been deceived by the wise men, he was very angry. And he sent men, and according to what he had heard from the wise men, killed all the boys under two years of age in Bethlehem and in the country about it. So what was said by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled. ” (Matthew 2:1-17)
Verse 5
"The woman gave birth to a son, who was to rule over all nations with a rod of iron. He was taken up to God to his throne."
Woman refers to the Virgin Mary, or to ancient Judaism, Judeo-Christianism, and primitive Christianity. It refers to Jesus who came back to life three days after being impaled, appeared before the eyes of the 12 apostles and his disciples for a while (Matthew 28:9-10, 17-20, etc.), and then ascended to heaven.
Verse 6
“The woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be fed for a thousand, two hundred and sixty days.”
This refers to the protection of Eastern Christianity (Judeo-Christianity) in Central Asia, which is protected by numerous deserts and steep mountains, until 2060 from Roman Catholicism, which took control of the world in 800 AD.
By the way, ``They were to be fed for one year, two years, and then half a year.'' means a total of three and a half years, or 360 days x 3.5, which is 1260 years. The period is 1260 years from December 25th (Christmas) in 800 AD, when Frankish King Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III and declared the restoration of the Western Roman Empire.
The reason why it is calculated using 360 days is that in the Gregorian calendar, a year has 365 days, but in the pure lunar calendar, it is 354 days, so it takes a long time.
Also, in chapter 12, verse 6, "There was a place prepared by God, that she might be nourished for a thousand, two hundred and sixty days," and in the same verse, verse 14, "And there the serpent came." And he was to be fed for a year, two years, and half a year.'' Chapter 13, verse 5, ``And a mouth was given to this beast to speak loud words and speak filthy things.'' , was given authority to act for a period of 42 months.
Now, the Pashtuns, Afghanistan's main tribe, are also said to be among the ten lost clans of Judea.
Afghanistan was once attacked by the British army, then by the Russian army, and now by the American army, but these also show that the Christianity they believe in is false Christianity, and that they believe in the devil, or dragon. You can see.
In other words, sending troops to places like Afghanistan is a rebellion against the all-knowing and all-powerful God.
The barbaric acts of the Marines during the war with the Philippines, the dropping of atomic bombs and indiscriminate bombing with incendiary bombs are evidence that America has finally turned into a demonic country to the core.
However, President Trump seems to have brought him back to God's side.
This verse also shows that the 9/11 attacks were self-made and that the Vatican was behind the scenes pulling the strings.
Afghanistan once defeated British and Soviet forces, and now it looks like it will once again defeat a multinational force led by the United States.
Georgi Ivanovich Gurdjieff, a giant of the spiritual world, also trained in Central Asia.
Verses 7-10
“Now there was a battle in heaven, and Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, but they could not prevail. There was no place left, and the great dragon, the old serpent who deceives the whole world, was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with himThen I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, ``Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of the Christ of our God have been revealed. Those who accuse our brethren, who accuse them night and day before our God, have been thrown down.'' ”
I read it just fine.
Verse 11
"'The brethren overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and did not spare his life even unto death.'"
I read it just fine.
It refers to the number of people who endured severe persecution and believed in the gospel of Jesus.
Verse 12
``Therefore, rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them; but woe to you, ye earth and seaFor the devil has come down to you in great anger, knowing that his time is short.' ”
There may be a feast in heaven, but for mankind on earth, a great disaster is coming.
These are the hunting of Jews and the destruction of the Eastern Christian Church, the Inquisition, the witch-hunting, the suppression of humanity until the Renaissance, and the colonial rule prophesied in later scriptures.
It also refers to the two world wars, nuclear accidents, communist massacres, famine, and poverty.
Our blog's "Commentary Summary of Revelation Chapter 13", "Commentary Summary of Revelation Chapter 17", "Commentary Summary of Revelation Chapter 8", "Commentary Summary of Revelation Chapter 6", etc. Please search in the , vaccines, TPP, and fluoride categories.
Verses 13-14
“When the dragon realized that he had been cast down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to a son. But the woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she could fly into the wilderness, which is her place. There he was to be kept for a year, two years, and half a year, away from the snakes.
This is a repeat of the first verse, verse 6.
Also, the woman who gave birth to a son refers to the ten lost tribes of Asia, primitive Christianity, and primitive Islam in the past, present, and future from John's perspective.
“The two wings of the great eagle” refer to the north and south routes of the Silk Road or to the columns of Jewish and Muslim merchants traveling along them. Or, it refers to the Silk Road on land and the Silk Road on the sea.

Verse 15
“The serpent spewed water out of her mouth like a river after the woman, and tried to wash her away.”
This phrase ``spit water out of your mouth like a river'' refers to an army that was assembled with profanity, such as ``take back the holy land!'' and ``propagate (false) Christianity!''. Or you could just imagine drinking water carried by soldiers.
Verse 16
"But the earth helped the woman; the earth opened its mouth and drank the river that the dragon had spewed out of its mouth."
This is also a repeat of the first verse 6. It refers to the harsh nature of Central Asia that exhausted the military and caused it to disappear.
Verses 17-18
“The dragon was angry with the woman, and went out to make war against the rest of her sons, those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. .And I stood on the sand of the sea.
A physically healthy person can stand on two legs, but based in Hong Kong and Macau, or with the permission of the Pope, the two countries, ① Spain and Portugal, ② later England and France, and ③ finally the Greek Orthodox Church, This refers to the Soviet Union and the pseudo-Protestant United States embarking on colonial rule in Asia.

Please also check this out.
"Western colonial rule"
“The truth about Showa history PART III: World historical development of Western colonial rule and the Greater East Asia War”
As prophesied in Revelation chapter 12, the dragon landed in Asia (Africa, North and South America) to slay all those who kept the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus.
In China, many saints died due to the Taiping Rebellion and the Boxer Incident.
As a result, outlaws came to rule China, and the ``Chinese history of murder'' that preceded the evangelization of primitive Christianity was repeated once again. This is the appearance of the red horse in Revelation chapter 6.

As a result, it is thought that the people of the Lord in China were almost completely wiped out.
Below is
The truth about the Sino-Japanese War
This is a quote from.
The Chinese army killed the Chinese people like insects.
There were significant qualitative differences between the Chinese and Japanese forces. The reason is that the Chinese army robbed and murdered their fellow Chinese people wherever they went, while the Japanese army tried to rescue them wherever they went.
Traditionally in China, the people were killed like insects in wars, and at least they were not protected by those in power. Liang Qichao calls the Chinese people ``the slaughtered people.''
For example, in 1938, Chiang Kai-shek's army, which teamed up with the communist army and began a war against Japan through ``state-communist cooperation'', blew up the embankments of the Yellow River in an attempt to block the advance of the Japanese army. At that time, due to heavy rains, 11 cities and 4,000 villages were submerged, resulting in a catastrophic disaster in which 1 million people died from drowning and 6 million other victims. And it didn't end there. As a result of this human-induced flooding, the Yellow River's channel changed, and a great famine spread to the surrounding area. Then, the Chinese military units, suffering from food shortages in the disaster-stricken areas, began stealing food from the people, making the famine even more serious.
An American reporter who saw the devastation at the time reported, ``The roadsides were filled with people who had frozen to death and starved to death, and the starving people were eating carcasses.'' Immediately after the incident, the Chinese side also promoted the levee collapse as the work of the Japanese military. However, this self-made play by the Chinese side was later discovered by foreign reporters.
Not a single Japanese soldier died when the levee burst. All it did was mass murder the Chinese people.
Immediately after the levee burst, the Japanese military not only repaired the levee, but also rescued the affected people and carried out epidemic prevention work. The Japanese army desperately tried to rescue the Chinese people who were treated like insects by the Chinese army.
These characteristics of the Chinese military were similar not only to Chiang Kai-shek's army but also to Mao Zedong's Communist army. No, the communist army was even worse. The communist army was known by the people as ``communist marauders'' (Kyohi), that is, communist bandits. This is because they robbed, murdered, and raped the people wherever they went.
China's military, whether it was the Communist Army or the Kuomintang Army, was basically just a collection of lumpens rather than an army. They joined the military because they could plunder the occupied areas, so they had enough to eat. So when Chinese commanders captured a piece of land, they let their soldiers pillage and rape as they pleased for at least a week. Also, if they didn't, the commander would have been killed.
In most cases, battles during the Sino-Japanese War proceeded in such a way that when the Japanese army attacked, the Chinese army retreated and was routed. Therefore, except in fierce battlegrounds, there were not as many Chinese soldiers killed by the Japanese army as the Chinese side advertised. In fact, many of the deaths of Chinese soldiers were caused by Chinese people killing Chinese people.
In the Chinese army, behind the soldiers there was a ``tokusentai.'' The command squadron is a group of Chinese soldiers who stand behind them and make the soldiers fight while shouting, ``Kill the enemy, kill the enemy,'' and when a soldier runs away, they shoot and kill that soldier. In other words, Chinese soldiers killed Chinese soldiers.
According to Chinese historian Huang Wenxiong, during the Sino-Japanese War, more Chinese soldiers were killed by the commanding squadron than by the Japanese army. . Also, when Chinese soldiers were wounded, they were left behind.
On a certain battlefield, a group of Chinese soldiers were killed in a trench. It is said that the Japanese soldiers who discovered it burst into tears. Because their feet had iron chains attached to them to prevent them from escaping. There was a huge difference in quality between the Japanese and Chinese armies.
□The real People's Liberation Army was the Japanese ArmyAlso, if we look at the characteristics of the Chinese army and the Japanese army roughly, we can say the following. Every land that the Chinese army passed through was plundered as if by a huge vulture army.
Furthermore, when they left the occupied areas, they used a ``scorched earth strategy'' to ensure that nothing was left behind for the Japanese army. With each retreat, they destroyed roads, factories, bridges, irrigation systems, and other facilities. As a result, all the areas that the Chinese army passed through were devastated. Their actions were characterized by looting and destruction.
As a result, China's economy was destroyed, agriculture and industry suffered devastating damage, and the people were left suffering. Particularly miserable were the farmers, who made up the majority of the population.
On the other hand, the Japanese army that arrived later worked from the beginning to rescue the farmers and rebuild the Chinese economy. The areas occupied by the Japanese military accounted for approximately 40% of mainland China's population and 54% of its cultivated land, but Japan immediately began rebuilding agriculture, rebuilding roads and irrigation facilities, and rebuilding factories. I worked on it.
As Japan worked to rescue Chinese residents, maintain public order, and rebuild from war damage, the Chinese people, who had previously thought that the military was nothing more than bandits, were surprised and enthusiastically welcomed the Japanese military. This was because for the first time in their lives, they had seen an army that was well-controlled, did not plunder or commit evil acts, and saved the people.
The real "People's Liberation Army" was not the Chinese army, but the Japanese army. Japan placed particular emphasis on the relief of farmers in the occupied territories. Already in 1938, the Japanese government announced a plan for agricultural revival in China and began implementing it. The goal was for the three countries of Japan, Manchuria, and China to work together and build a relationship of mutual aid. As a result, agriculture in the Japanese occupied areas increased dramatically. This is because Japanese engineers provided Japanese agricultural technology to Chinese farmers.
Of course, it was a wartime situation, so there were some tough times, but Japan's efforts were still bearing fruit in many places.
In addition to agriculture, we also worked on rebuilding light and heavy industry. Japan also built railroads and hospitals in China. He also worked to improve the sanitary situation in China, where there were many epidemics. Furthermore, it was Japan's investment in China that revived China's silk reeling industry, which had been seen as hopeless. Japan had already begun modernization construction projects in China during the Sino-Japanese War, which it had carried out in Manchuria, Korea, and Taiwan. As a result, infrastructure development and industrial reconstruction in the occupied territories were carried out.
According to Japanese government estimates,
From 1938 to the end of the war in 1945
The cumulative total of Japan's investment in China is
Approximately 4.7 billion yen
It had also reached.
Japan's national budget at the time was approximately 2 billion yen, so you can see how huge it was. This is not money spent on war.
This money was used to rebuild China's land and economy.
in this way,
The Chinese military scorched various areas,
While I was killing my fellow countrymen like insects,
Japan wants to save the Chinese people,
He continued to work for the modernization of China.
The real enemy of the Chinese people is
Not the Japanese military,
It was the Chinese army.
The Chinese military, whether it was Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang army or Mao Zedong's Communist army, had nothing in mind about the Chinese people, but only to seize power. However, Japan was desperately trying to save China. Therefore, many elderly Chinese people who experienced what happened during this period are pro-Japanese. Although they cannot usually speak out loud amidst the anti-Japanese ideology of the Chinese government, they know what the Japanese people did for the Chinese people back then.
(Omitted below)
Below is
“Is President Obama a black man? He can change his mind.”
This is a quote from.
◇Mao Zedong's genealogy
Mao Zedong's birthplace is located a little south of Changsha in Hunan Province. The house is large and has two ponds in the front garden. These ``two ponds'' have great meaning in Feng Shui, and it is said that it was thanks to them that he was able to dominate the world.
If that is true, it will truly be a lake of disaster for the people of this country.
There were 13 rooms in the house where he was born, and according to sources, it was built as a wealthy farmer's mansion that was divided into areas about the size of a village. Given its size, it is said that there must have been a prison for peasants and slaves.
There is a story that Mao Zedong at that time was a brat who was hated by even the worst. He enjoys torturing peasants and slaves who cannot resist. One can easily imagine such a ``childhood'' from every detail of his words and deeds. For example, when the reformation of the government into a people's commune did not go well, he gave a lecture. ``Peasants are slaves, so beat them, abuse them, threaten them with less food, and force them to work.'' (Yun Qian, ``Mao'').

( Zedong that no one knew about)
However, when no results were achieved and the villages were filled with the dead of starvation, he instructed them to bury the corpses in fields and fields as fertilizer, saying, ``Death is a good thing. It makes the land fertile.'' (ibid.)
If tens of millions of people die, people's hearts will leave Mao and move on to the kind Liu Shaoqi. Mao goes crazy with jealousy and plots to drag him down. That was the Cultural Revolution. Mao encouraged middle school and high school students, and Mao's enemies were free to pillage and murder, and for that purpose he gave free trains, inns, and restaurants anywhere in the country.
The Red Guards ravaged the city like locusts, destroying everything from the railings of the Marco Polo Bridge to the monument to Major General Kondratenko on East Jiguan Mountain in Lushun. In the chaos, Liu Shaoqi was overthrown and killed after two years of torture.
Mao's son was killed in the Korean War. The commander was Peng Dehuai. Mao had the Red Guards torture Peng to death and take revenge on him. Lord Luo Rui was also tied up in prison, and his legs were cut off in the name of medical treatment. Gun Kodaira was also banished to the island, and Mao's revenge was over.
In that case, there would be no need for the Red Guards. Mao gave them the title of ``Young Men of Knowledge'' and ordered them to ``now go to the countryside and learn from the farmers.'' Approximately 16 million Red Guards were sent to remote areas and incorporated into ``peasant registers''. I can't go back to my hometown. It was truly ``exile to a remote area'' (Beihai Kanjin, ``The truth about Mao Zedong that China hides'').

Most people are still unable to return home, but there are exceptions. One group was sent to Yunnan, where they were threatened with violence during the Sino-Vietnamese conflict, so they were given special permission to return home. The second group was a group that fled to Hong Kong because they didn't want to be exiled, but their only merits were assault and looting. In the end, they took advantage of this and formed the organized crime group "Great Circle." The U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Activities has designated them as ``an organization that controls heroin entering from Asia.''
The third category is those who were recognized by the Party Central Committee for their literary activities in remote areas and were able to leave their peasant registration. Mo Bangfu, who now writes a column for the Asahi Shimbun, is one of those who made such a miraculous return.
He lived through the hell of the Cultural Revolution, and in his recent column he wrote that he saw the same hell in Japan. When I thought what kind of horrible hell it would be, I was told that I was so nervous that I couldn't watch the movie ``Yasukuni.'' It was the same feeling of nervousness I felt when I read banned foreign books during the Cultural Revolution, fearing that I would be found in the bathroom at night.
Are we saying that if you see Yasukuni in today's Japan, you will be beaten to death with your arms and legs broken? (Omitted below)
Remains of the Yodo culprit
The robbery group ``Senderolminoso'' (Shining Path), led by Abimael Guzmán, a philosophy professor in Ayacucho, Peru, had a set method. Surround the target village, surprise at dawn, and take control. He gathers the villagers in a plaza, installs the village chief, and sentences him to death for exploiting the villagers.

(Party flag of Senderorminoso)

(Chinese flag)
The execution begins by having a young soldier shoot the village chief in the leg or stomach. It's a training session to build up courage, and at the end, the platoon leader Kaku shoots him in the head. Brain miso scatters. The villagers, who are cowed by the brutal execution, are notified of the annual ``revolutionary tax.'' No one in those villages refused to pay.
When Fujimori appeared and the crackdown on the gang became more severe, a JICA agricultural center in Warar was attacked in retaliation, and three Japanese staff members were executed in front of the trainees. The method was the same, and the stop was placed by the female commander.
In addition to collecting revolutionary taxes, the gang sometimes carried away village women they had attacked. The woman was taken to a hideout deep in the mountains that they called the Revolutionary Base, where she was held by a soldier who gave birth to the next generation of revolutionary warriors.
They continued to do whatever they wanted, but their mistake was that they angered Fujimori. The year after the JICA incident, Guzman was arrested in Lima. He lets his subordinates play a brutal game of revolution, while he lives an elegant life indulging in women and alcohol in a hidden hideout in downtown Lima. The Ellu Comercio newspaper reported that 7,000 of his men surrendered, and ``several hundred women were rescued'' from their captivity.
Guzman has stated that his method of ``killing village chiefs'' was modeled after Mao Zedong. In Sekihira's History of the Chinese Genocide, it is said that it was called ``one village, one fire, one killing.''

First, they attack the village at dawn, plunder the village chief's property, and then set it on fire. He judges the village chief in front of the gathered villagers and executes him by "blowing off his head with a gun." He explains that the village chief's fields are distributed to the tenants, and the rent is paid as a revolutionary tax.
However, Mao was not particular about "one kill." The more exploiters, that is, the rich, the more murders there will be. In Jian, Jiangxi province, 10,000 people were killed in 45 days.
The style was similar to that of a communist revolution in which exploiters were punished and weak peasants were helped, but this one-village-one-killing method was also used by the enemy army of Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang's army did this systematically after moving to Taiwan after being chased by Mao.
They started the ``2.28'' incident in Taipei, killing all intellectuals. The targets are people who studied law, administration, etc. during the Japanese colonial era. Mao Zedong's later efforts to wipe out the intellectual class during the Cultural Revolution had similarities to Chiang's methods.
At the same time, he ``went out to the countryside and killed one village, one murder'' (Huang Wenxiong).

Chiang's army killed 200,000 Taiwanese, but the question is why did he adopt the same tactics as Mao? This was not an attempt to start a communist revolution, but is said to be a traditional Chinese method of teaching villages who are the new rulers. It's not that different from the new boss on Monkey Mountain beating up the old boss and going around killing his girlfriend's children.
Guzman also followed suit. Neither communist ideology nor people's liberation had anything to do with it.
From whom did he learn how to kidnap women and give birth to the next generation of warriors? There are various theories, one of which is that it learned from Portuguese colonial management. Mixed-race children born to indigenous women are turned into soldiers for nuclear civil defense. An example is Timor-Leste's President Ramos-Horta.
The other theory is that the Red Army faction was involved in the Yodo Incident.
They lured Japanese women to North Korea through women living in Japan, married them, and gave birth to 17 children. However, since there were too few Japanese men and women to study in Europe, they lured them to the north, married them, and aimed at creating a ``Japanese Revolution for generations'' (Sankei Shimbun).
This preceded Guzmán's abduction operation.
The abductor is being driven back from North Korea. You can also see the connection with Peruvian bandits. By the way, most of their wives and children have returned to Japan, and according to Asahi Shimbun, which supports them, the two children immediately filed a lawsuit demanding hundreds of thousands of yen from the state over the fact that their father's letters were confiscated. I'm telling you.
They have already started making money using the revolution as an excuse.
End of quotation.
Below is
Philippine-American War
This is a quote from.
The United States committed extreme brutality in its invasion of the Philippines, slaughtering 600,000 rebel Filipinos. At this time, Arthur MacArthur Jr. became the commander of the American forces stationed in the Philippines, and effectively the colonial governor of the Philippines. (His third son was Douglas MacArthur.)

(A New Yorker caricature of his naru. Behind America trying to shoot a Filipino, it says, ``Kill everyone over the age of 10.'')
Of the 30 American generals who commanded combat in the Philippines between 1898 and 1902, 26 committed genocide during the Indian Wars.
On September 28, 1901, the Balangiga Massacre occurred on Samar Island. Two platoons of American troops on patrol in a small village were ambushed, and half of them, 38, were killed. In retaliation, Arthur MacArthur ordered the entire population of Samar and Leyte to be exterminated. It is estimated that at least 100,000 people were killed. MacArthur also ordered the clearing of Batangas, south of Manila, where many Aguinaldo soldiers were former soldiers, and it was reported that homes, fields, and livestock were burned down, and many people starved to death.
Below is
American invasion of the Philippines, massacre of residents
This is a quote from.
In 1512, Magellan landed on Cebu Island during his voyage around the world. This made Europeans aware of the existence of the Philippine Islands, which was made up of 7,100 beautiful islands of all sizes (Magellan himself lost his life in a battle with King Lapu-Lapu of Mactan Island on the opposite coast of Cebu Island). ). Spain's invasion of the Philippines began in earnest in the late 16th century, and in 1571 it established Manila as the base for its colonial operations. In this way, the people of the Philippines were subject to colonial rule from the great powers for nearly 400 years.
The word "Philippines" itself is Spanish. In 1543, when the Villalobos expedition arrived at Samar and Leyte, these islands were named Felipenas, after the Spanish prince Felipe (later King Felipe II), and the name was later changed to the entire archipelago. It is now used as.

Since then, the people of these islands have been called by names that had nothing to do with them.
Colonial rule by Spain was harsh.
A local governance system called ``encomienda'' was established, and this seat was given as a reward to military personnel who were successful in conquering the Philippines, and these ``encomenderos'' enriched their own pockets and caused suffering to the people. Adult men were forced to work for more than 40 days a year, and with the establishment of the church system, the people were doubly exploited.
While many farmers were reduced to sharecroppers or serfs, land was monopolized by Catholic religious orders, Spanish, Chinese, and mestizo (mixed-race) landowners, and Philippine society was divided between a wealthy minority and a majority of poor people. It was divided into two layers.

(The Monastery of El Escorial was built with gold and silver treasures taken from the colonies)
Aguinaldo, who was originally in a leading position in the independence movement, returned from exile in Hong Kong under the guidance of the United States and became president of the revolutionary government, but when the true intentions of the United States were revealed, he became dismayed and eventually defected. Masu. He was a bastard like Chiang Kai-shek, who, while vocally calling on the people to fight against Japan, often disparaged national-communist cooperation.
If the Filipinos had been so stupid, the American army would have easily won the war with Spain.
However, the people rose up to protect their homeland and turned into guerrillas, causing great hardship to the American military. And just like the genocide of Indians not long before this, and like the Vietnam War more than half a century later, the American military incites hatred towards the people and slaughters them.
Brigadier General Jacob Smith, commander of the 9th Infantry Division on Samal Island, was troubled by guerrilla warfare.
"I don't want them in prison. What I want is to kill them all and burn them to the ground. The more you kill them, the more you burn them, the more I (Akashi Library 38, Yoshio Hagino, “Society, History, and Political System of the Philippines”)
"We don't need prisoners of war. All you have to do is kill them and burn them. The more you kill and burn, the more happy I will be." and the countries of the Pacific).
When Major L. Weller, commander of a Marine Corps brigade (who was temporarily in command), asked, ``What is the age limit?'' he replied, ``Apply this order to all residents over the age of 10'' (ibid.). It seems he answered.
Theodore Roosevelt, who later became the 26th president, said that such atrocities had occurred "hundreds of times in the wars against the Indians," and that "there were no incidents of incidental atrocities. It is completely unworthy of a great nation to retreat from the struggle for civilization.''If moral reasons force us to abandon the Philippine archipelago, we must also surrender Arizona to the Apaches.'' "It will disappear" (from "I want you to know...").
They decided that they were willing to commit any number of massacres in order to control the Philippines.
It is said that approximately 16,000 revolutionary soldiers died during the Resistance War, which lasted approximately 10 years, and approximately 200,000 civilians died due to starvation and epidemics caused by the war.
In addition, Brigadier General Bell, the commander of southern Luzon, said that in about two years after the start of the war, one-sixth of the population of Luzon was killed or died from dengue fever caused by starvation during the war, and nine of the buffaloes that were livestock for farmers were killed. It was reported that more than 10% of the rice harvest had died, and the rice harvest had decreased to one-fourth of normal years (from "What you need to know...").
Through these disasters, the resistance of the Filipino people was almost suppressed, and the Philippines became a complete American colony, serving as a market for American industrial products and a source of raw materials.
End of quotation.
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“The truth about Asahi Shimbun”
“Falsehoods and truths about Japanese military brutality
``My village has become hell----Vietnam War, another war crime (genocide by the South Korean army)''
“The truth about Showa history PART III: World historical development of Western colonial rule and the Greater East Asia War”
[Source] Western calendar and Jesus
The Western calendar generally refers to the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar, which are solar calendars, but it commemorates the year of Jesus Christ's birth, and that year is called 1st AD. Year 0 does not exist. This includes octopuses (^_^;) Miscalculations often occur).
After the Common Era is commonly abbreviated in Japan as "AD" or "A.D" (from the Latin Anno Domini, where Anno means year and Domini means Lord), and in English as "BC" or "B.C" (Before Christ). However, it is abbreviated as "v.Chr." in German and "av.J-C" in French. It is also called the Christian era. For this reason, there seem to be quite a few people in non-Christian countries who feel a sense of rejection of its use itself. By the way, in Judaism it is called the "Common Era" and is abbreviated as "CE".
However, the big problem with the use of the Western calendar is that the year of Jesus' birth = 1 AD, calculated by the Roman theologian Dionysius Exiguus, is actually a "miscalculation/misunderstanding" and the year of birth of Jesus is There is a big discrepancy.
``About that time, an edict came from Emperor Augustus to take a census of the entire world. This was the first census taken when Cranio was governor of SyriaEveryone went back to their own towns to register. Since Joseph was also of David's house and lineage, he left Nazareth, a city in Galilee, and went up to Judea, to Bethlehem, a city of David. His purpose was to register with his beloved wife, Mary, who was already pregnant. ” (Luke 2:1-5)
Below is
“The Story of the Romans: Pax Romana [Part 2] 16”
This is a quote from.
Augustus, who knew that an accurate grasp of the current situation was the basic data for governing, conducted three full-scale censuses (census) throughout the empire during his reign. At that time, Jews were still allies, so the investigation probably extended to include allied countries. These three censuses are as follows, according to Augustus's ``Accomplishments''.
The first time was in 28 B.C., when he and Agrippa were consuls.
◇The second time was in 8 BC, when Gaius Centorinus and Sextus Apuleius were consuls.
◇The third time was in the year that Sextus Pompeius and Sextus Apuleius were consuls, i.e. 14 AD.
By the way, in Rome, they almost never counted the year of the founding of the country, but instead counted the year of who was consul. The use of eras was a later way of thinking when Christianity came to dominate.
Even so, according to the chronological system of ``era'', which counts from Jesus Christ, no census was conducted by Rome before or after the birth of Jesus. Even if we consider that there was a time lag due to the distant vassals, the eight-year gap is too large. Furthermore, it is thought that this was a uniquely Jewish survey, as Judea at the time was in a state of internal conflict following the death of King Herod, and it was not a census at all.
In any case, no researcher has given me a satisfactory answer to this simple question of mine.
However, it is certain that Jesus was born during this period. This means that Jesus Christ was born, went, and died at a time when Rome was at its peak.
End of quotation.

(King Herod's infanticide. Volterra 1550)
From the description in the Gospel of Matthew about Herod the Great who tried to kill the infant Jesus, ``Jesus must have been born during King Herod's lifetime,'' but records from the time indicate that King Herod was born in 4 B.C. It is confirmed that he died in the year.
Additionally, since the ``Augustus Census'' described in ``The Gospel of Luke'' is said to have been carried out in 8 BC, there is no doubt that there is an error of 4 to 8 years in the calculations.

Therefore, it is inappropriate to call the Western calendar the Christian era, and in fact, Protestants at the time believed that it was established on February 24, 1582 by Pope Gregory For a long time, they stubbornly refused to use the Gregorian calendar, believing it to be the "calendar of the beast of the apocalypse" or the "calendar of the antichrist."
“He speaks against the Most High, and troubles the saints of the Most High. He plots to change the times and the laws. ” (Daniel 7:25)
By the way, in Protestant Germany it was 1700, 118 years later, in the Church of England it was 1752, in China it was 1912, in the Soviet Union it was 1918, and in Japan December 3, 1872 (Meiji 5) was changed to 1873 (Meiji 6). ) came into effect on January 1st. Also, in Southeast Asian countries, this has been changed to Butsumetsu era.
However, even today, Judaism still uses the Jewish lunisolar calendar, Islamic countries still use the Islamic calendar or Iranian calendar, and Russia before the Communist Revolution and today's Greek Orthodox Church still use the solar Julian calendar.